Testing & Certification

Pressure Tests

Testing & Certification

WBR ENERGIES offers a wide range of testing services in an individual basis or as part of equipment certification process. Our engineering expertise enables us to offer testing services on integrated systems, allowing equipment to be placed into operating conditions prior to their installation and start-up.  Please contact us for any specific request.

Pressure vessels designed for internal pressure are subjected to hydrostatic test after completion of their fabrication. Testing can be performed at customer request or as part of equipment certification process following requirements of applicable International Codes Rules.

Pressure Tests (Hydraulic and Pneumatic) can be performed following customer requirements on various pressures ranges based on equipment Maximal Allowable Working Pressure. Testing are carried out in accordance with requirements of International Codes Rules.

Leak Tests are performed to determine leak tightness of equipment and to qualify welded joints and flanged joints. Various pressures ranges can be tested at customer resquest. Leak Tests are performed following requirements of applicable International Codes.

Load Tests can be performed on equipment at various load capacities ranges following customer specifications. Load Tests are carried out to verify that the equipment can safely operate on its rated loading capacity. Testing are performed in accordance with International Codes Rules.

Fit-up and Assembly Tests are performed on equipment to ensure the fully fittability of each component in an integrated system. At customer request, Fit-up and Assembly Tests can be carried out during fabrication phase and/or before the equipment release.