Project Management

Project Management

Project Management

WBR ENERGIES offers Turnkey Project Solution to support customers though complete project life cycle, from Conceptual Studies and Detailed Engineering, to Custom Manufacturing, Testing and Certification.

Analysis of customer technical requirements. Preliminary design and studies.

Detailed Engineering Phase: Design Verification, Calculations and FEA Analysis, 3D Models

Detailed Drawings, Design Reports, Fabrication and Quality Control Plan, Manufacturing Procedures, Testing Procedures…

Specialized Materials Procurement

Forging and Heat Treatment, Machining, Welding, Cladding, Painting…

Mechanical Testing, Non-Destructive Testing, Pressure Test, Load Tests, Fit-up and Assembly Tests…

At customer request, equipment can be fully certified by a Third Party Authority: DNV® / Lloyd’s Register® / Bureau Veritas ® / Apave® / …